Thursday, February 27, 2014

From A Distance


 Awhile ago, I had a day of travel to myself. It was a day I won't forget. I'm not sure why but I felt such a sense of freedom. I guess I was doing something that would have scared me in the past but had become something I enjoy. Having time by myself is something I've always needed and enjoyed, I just didn't realize traveling alone would be included in that. 

 My layover was in Chicago. I've never been there or even thought about it. The plane gently lowered over the city, giving me the perfect view.  We skimmed the air over the skyscrapers, and dipped over the little towns of Illinois. The Great Lakes were overwhelming and I giggled to myself as a kid behind me buzzed about their size, because I felt the same way. The immensity of the world is always surprising to me. I can't imagine seeing it as a whole. The puzzle pieces I have seen touch every corner of my mind and I can't picture there being more, but there is. There's always so much more.

 I found myself falling in love from a distance. I couldn't help but smile as we touched down. It was such a shocking feeling. Minutes before looking out the window I was absorbed in a book and was ready to stretch out my legs. I had no idea that I was about to be taken back, once again, by the beautiful world that God has created. My testimony of His love for us and His hand in my life expands all the time. When I least expect it, I'm touched and changed by the simple and significant moments of this wonderful life he has blessed me with. I sat by these two guys on the plane and their chatter felt so distance, muffled. I was absorbed in this private moment. It almost felt selfish not telling them about what was happening. And I smiled to myself about how such a brief, maybe even silly moment had touched me in such a way.

After experiencing this, I've recognized how I've fallen in love with multiple things from a distance throughout my life. Music, as the sound of a guitar hummed through the walls of my house growing up. Writing, as I watched Anne Shirley walk through fields reciting poems. Nauvoo, as I listened to my childhood best friend describe it me time and time again. Some things haven't been too far away, but just out of reach whether the reach has been time, ability, or travel. 

I hope I'll get to walk the streets of Chicago someday. Maybe it will feel like the first time I wrote a song. The gap between me and music closed and my guitar and my words became my support. Maybe it will feel like going to Nauvoo after imagining it for years. Its golden sunlight and the sacrifice of the Saints soaked into each inch of the city will stick with me forever. I find myself falling in love with things from a distance all the time. Whether I get to collide with them or not, I'm grateful for the spark it ignites within me. There are sparks everywhere. God's blessings are everywhere. Let the unexpected capture you and just hold it. Let the little moments become significant and use their hope. There's so much to love even from no distance at all. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


We had a couple rainy days this week and that always calls for the album, Black Bear by Andrew Belle. Here's one of the songs off of that album. Happy Tunesday!


You can buy it here!

Friday, February 21, 2014

How Bored Are You?

This past week I've had a major cold. So what does that mean? A lot of PLL and personality quizzes. I never would have guessed I'd learn so much about myself while having a cold. It's been hilarious taking  them and having my friends take them too. Here are my top 5 favorites.

What City Should You Actually Live In? I got London and was super happy about it.

Harry Potter Character Quiz. Of course! I got Remus Lupin. This quiz is pretty lengthy but it's definitely my favorite one.

Downton Abbey. I got Anna. I was pleasantly surprised.

What Is Your Inner Potato? Home-style fries!. Who knew a potato could say so much about a person?

What Would Be Your Fate In The Hunger Games? It said: "YOU LIVED! Sort of." Which pretty much means that I hid until the winner was announced and then snuck out of the arena. Accurate.

These silly quizzes with my friends made being sick bearable. Laughter really is the best medicine. Test results welcome. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Katie Herzig this week because she helped produce Ingrid's song last week! All of her music was available for free download on NoiseTrade last week and her new single was released today! If that's not enough…she tweeted me and I was kinda freaking out. This was my gateway song to the rest of her music. Happy Tunesday!

You can buy it here!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Be Mine

That's a little possessive right? BE MINE. Demanding even. Actually, a lot of the conversations hearts are that way now that I think about it. Call me. Hug me. Marry me. Kiss me. Well, how about you go ahead and do it or ask nicely? Who are you? Juan Pablo? The neediest candy in the world.

Anyway, I was just going to write something about Valentine's Day. Probably about how it's not such a bad gig for us single ladies. Chick flicks, ice cream, pajamas. I don't see the problem. Instead I ended up ranting about a candy nobody cares about. Spread the love. Actually, will you please spread the love? I won't demand you to do anything.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


First Tunesday ever! And I'm excited. This song is off of Ingrid's new album that comes out on April 15. It makes me smile and I hope it makes you smile too! Happy Tunesday!

You can buy it here!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Table For One

When I was young I experienced a moment that kind of captured "what I hope to be in the future". I was with my family in a nice restaurant and I saw this pretty lady at a corner table. She sat there eating her meal and enjoying a book. Throughout dinner I would glance over at her. Maybe someone else was meeting her there? No one ever came. She wasn't lonely, she was just her. And that was it.
I made up her life story and even as I got older I thought about it. Maybe now I think of that moment more as a reflection of who I'd like to be or what direction I'd like to go in my life. I'm sure at some point I imagined her as a social worker, a doctor, a writer. She changes a lot in my memory and I guess that's me changing over time.
It was probably just a casual, normal night for her. As simple as it was, even the feeling I got was simple, but that thought reminds me of where I want to be sometimes. Content. Comfortable. Confident. Intellectual. Successful.  I like to think she was kind and imaginative, flipping through the pages and thanking the waiter for refilling her drink. It's silly but I smile when I think about it. 

I can't say that I'm all of those things yet, but everyday I get closer to saying, "table for one, please".