Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It's April, Fools!

Happy April Fool's Day! Has anyone tricked you yet? Also, Happy Birthday to Fred and George Weasley!

I've always been one to be a trickster, especially when I was little. I was always scheming which made April 1st one of my favorite days of the year. Of course, April Fool's is usually full of failed attempts. I remember one year when I was in elementary school that I spent the day trying to trick my family and it just wasn't working. I was pretty bummed that it had been such a failed holiday. 

Well, that night I was itching my back and my mom asked, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I just have an itch."
"Here, let me look at your back." She went full out I'm telling you. "Jess, you have chicken pox!"
I had given up on the tricks so I was taking her very seriously. I was freaking out. Scratching all over. And my sister joined in, "It's worse if you get it the second time. Have you had it?"
I'm sure my eyes widened and I looked to my mom. And doom hit. I had in fact had chicken pox previously. Melt down started to settle in. "It gets worse if you itch it!" 
"But it itches!"

That was the day I learned that your mind can play tricks on you.  Round of applause to my hilarious mom. It made my day in a very twisted way. I can't help but laugh thinking about it now. My complete terror and the fun my mom and sister must have had pulling that one off. The trickster got played.

So, today, if anyone tells you that you have the chicken pox…it's a lie. Your mind is messing with you. Have a wonderful day tricksters…and bare with us fools! Tomorrow the craziness will end.

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