Monday, March 24, 2014

Little Things

Sometimes it's hard to not get bugged by little things. Things like the "10% battery left" notification. The temperamental shower going back and forth from spraying little ice darts to liquid fire. Spilling chinese food everywhere. Baby spit up on freshly clean clothes. But do they really matter? Of course not.

There are so many more good things to focus on than bad. There are little joys scattered throughout everyday and those should take up more space in my mind than the minor annoyances. Here are some little things that make my life better:

- New guitar strings
- Video chatting with my friends back home
- The perfect commercial skip
- Hilarious texts from my nana
- Laughing with Michelle
- Filling up the babies' bottles to the perfect amount (first try)
- Laughing with a new friend
- A chapter of Harry Potter
- Clean sheets
- My dad holding a goofy face on FaceTime until I acknowledge it
- Heart to hearts with my mom        
- Sun shining through the window
- Linc's excited squeals
- Sophie's contagious laugh
- A cuddly blanket
- And quite frankly, Netflix

 Of all the little things those littles over there are my favorite part of everyday. 

There are a million little things that make up a day. Some good, some bad. And we get to choose what parts to look at. How wonderful is that? So, go ahead, have a wonderful Monday!

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